Rugged, Agile, Robust


Explore Our Solutions

Agriculture to Cargo, Firefighting to Communication


Next Generation Cargo Solutions


Designed for Toughest Conditions


Built to Expand Your Capabilities

Custom Projects

We arrive at work daily with one goal: to complete our clients’ missions. These tasks, whether it's defending individuals or pushing the limits of research, are among the most essential and difficult in the world. We provide an unrelenting dedication to assisting our clients' success, and that feeling of purpose and chance to make a difference in the world motivates us every day.


Custom Projects

We arrive at work daily with one goal: to complete our clients’ missions. These tasks, whether it's defending individuals or pushing the limits of research, are among the most essential and difficult in the world. We provide an unrelenting dedication to assisting our clients' success, and that feeling of purpose and chance to make a difference in the world motivates us every day.


Dasal NewsThe world of drones is ever-growing, and so does DASAL.
Read on to stay up to date with the latest DASAL Aerospace developments.

Turkey’s TÜBİTAK SAGE and DASAL Aerospace Technologies signed a cooperation protocol More
KARGO 150: Turkey’s first cargo UAV More
Indonesia Aims to Be in the Top 50 Defense Companies Worldwide More
Kızılay Logistics Will Utilise DASAL’s UAVs for Its Emergency Healthcare Needs More
New Generation Cargo 75 UAV Shown! More
DASAL's new Cargo 75 and Çarpan UAVs More
The dates given for Air Taxi point to 2025: DASAL General Manager More
DASAL showcases products in Indonesia More
Teknofest 21 started the deliveries of custom-designed Light Class UASs for our Security Forces More
We have started the deliveries of custom-designed Light Class UASs for our Security Forces custom-de... More
DASAL welcomed the Republic of Mali Delegation More
Preliminary Contract on UAV in Agriculture More
DASAL Aerospace Technologies returns to the **fields** with #sahaexpo2021 More

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