The dates given for Air Taxi point to 2025: DASAL General Manager

DASAL designs, develops, manufactures, tests, assembles and integrates single and multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles and all kinds of equipment, systems and subsystem components of these vehicles for national and international needs.

DASAL, founded with the partnership of Aselsan and Altınay, is an innovation company that develops products and technologies.

Answering's questions at the 2nd Defence Logistics Support Summit held in Ankara recently, DASAL General Manager Z. Burak Mercan gave information about the company's work:

“In fact, since 2012, we have been detailed work on the design and production of multi-rotor tactical aircraft and on the addition of various capabilities to these platforms. In this context, we came here to exhibit our vehicles capable of carrying loads from 2 kg to 75 kg of payload in terms of logistics. Here, we use our own unique capabilities in the design of many subsystems, from the propulsion system to the flight computer, in the design of our vehicles. This gives us serious benefits in terms of flight time, in terms of safely transporting higher weight loads at higher altitudes.

We can offer a wide range of products from micro level to heavy class aircraft with a total take-off weight of 800 kg and above.

All of these products are actually products that we originally designed and developed. In this context, we are engaged in various activities with our domestic and foreign customers, primarily our armed forces, our security forces, other public institutions.

We have serious activities abroad, especially in African countries, on the Eastern European side and on the South East Asian side. There are sales and exports we make here, we are trying to increase them both on behalf of our country and our company.”

Air Taxi Platform

DASAL continues to work on its AirTaxi platform by taking the company's experience and capabilities with cargo drones one step further.

Mr. Mercan stated that the dates generally given for the start of official use of air taxi usually point to the years 2025-2027 and said “Our work on air taxi has actually been going on for about a year and a half. But long before that, we had a serious study on these heavy class aircraft for logistics and cargo transportation, which we started in 2017. In this context, we have developed two products so far. We have obtained flying prototypes of these. We are currently developing another new platform. This means that the products we've developed to date have been electrically driven, meaning the power pack consisted of a lithium-ion battery. Our newly developed product works as a battery with a hybrid power pack plus an internal combustion engine. This gives us advantages such as additional range gain and longer flight time."

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